Thank you, the product is just Amazing !!!!!! – Kathy Clements

Very Pleased to give you Feedback on the Plantarcure…………. Brilliant!!

I didn’t think for one minute that the Plantarcure would do any good at all, but I was desperate, I run my dogs in Competition Agility, and thought at one point that I would have to give it up, due to the immense pain I was in. I had seen the Podiatrist via my doctor, all to no avail, tried Bowen Therapy, and almost every other option available to me, nothing helped with the pain until I tried Plantarcure, I use it every day, 3 times a day, for 10 minutes, and can now function normally, and I don’t have to give up the thing I love most Agility.

Its the best £30 ive ever spent, I also invested in the charger and batteries which is a must as the batteries do tend to wear out quite quickly, so ive always got a spare battery ready .

Thank you, the product is just Amazing !!!!!!

Kathy Clements