I win the ‘Most Amazing Mum’ award at home – Daphne Morgan

I bought the device to help my 12-year old child, who was complaining of quite severe pain in her foot. She was pronating and had begun to limp; it wore off over the weekends and returned by Monday when she returned from school. We checked the obvious causes i.e. whether her school shoes were the cause, or her orthotics. She then duly saw the GP who recommended… orthotics.

I bought this device and persuaded my sceptical pre-teen to let me attach it to her foot. To her amazement (but not mine), she said she felt an immediate improvement. She wore it regularly for 10 mins or so a day and within two weeks no longer needed to. She no longer limps but we have the device if she injures her foot again through sports or other exercise.

I am very happy with the device. Not only did I win the ‘Most Amazing Mum’ award at home but when my neighbour described her husband’s foot pain, I showed her our device and I believe she may have bought one.

Thank you for making this technology available to ordinary people.

With kind regards,

Ms Daphne Morgan