I’m literally astounded, hardly any pain now – Lissa Mulhern

Wow, I thought this would be a gimmick or a con, but it has worked for me.

I had the condition for nearly 2 years and just assumed it would be part of my life. It got so bad I thought I would have stop running and using the gym. Of an evening I couldn’t walk without seriously limping and had to wear memory foam slippers everywhere. The doctor offered me painful cortisone injections that may or may not work! There was no suggestion of any other product. Having used this product for for a few months I’m literally astounded, hardly any pain now and I only continue using it after a long run and only just in case. I would recommend buying the charger ( I didn’t as I didn’t expect it to work) you need really good batteries as they drain quickly. It’s either a massive coincidence or a cure, definitely try it. This is the first time I’ve left serious feedback but I know how awful the condition is and it has worked for me.

Good luck.