” it has brought me back to some normality and put a smile back on my face” – David Turner

I have just returned home following a 3 mile walk with my wife and although my foot aches slightly it is absolutely brilliant in comparison to how it was when I had excruciating pain experienced from plantar fasciitis. I could barely walk from my lounge to the kitchen without feeling extreme pain and it was affecting my knees and hip as I was limping so badly.

Sadly I am not a person who believes in miracles but I have to say that by using the Plantarcure I purchased from you, that I am virtually pain free and will continue to use it until confident that my foot becomes totally free of pain. Due to the pain I suffered I probably used it for longer periods than the duration advised but can only say it has benefited me immensely. As I wanted to lose some weight the restriction in exercise was most frustrating as walking is one of the better solutions alongside a balanced diet.

I was rather dubious and sceptical when I purchased the item but thought it was worth a try as the pain was so debilitating and although not completely cured the use of it has brought me back to some normality and put a smile back on my face………may be stretch to a 5 mile walk next weekend!!

Many thanks for such a great product and your follow up email.

Kind regards

David Turner