Thank you for designing something that I’m sure brings relief from agony to many people – Anne Guinea

The Plantarcure device certainly seems linked to a distinct improvement in my Plantar Fasciitis.

The focused massaging appeared to improve circulation to the painful area, reduce the inflamation and generally ease the pain. I was extremely relieved because the pain is very intense and had been there for 2-3 months.

Initially I used it as directed, 3 times a day and it probably took 2-3 weeks of this treatment to (almost) fully recover!

Currently, I use The Plantarcure from time to time, whenever I feel a slight twinge and it seems to keep the problem under control.

I have just one suggestion for improvement……! The shaping of the device means that two small ‘points’ press on the lower foot while it is massaging. If these could be smoothed/rounded in your next design, I think this would make it more comfortable. I chose to put a small piece of fabric between the Plantarcure and my foot to avoid the unnecessary and undesired pressure from these ‘points’……. but it would be much better without them!

I hope this helps,
Thank you for designing something that I’m sure brings relief from agony to many people,

Best wishes,

Anne Guinea