“would recommend to anyone” – Dave Barrett

Just to let you know I was in agony with my heel could not put any weight on it after three or four times using it the pain has gone and I am back up the gym. I still use it a couple of times a week just to make sure the pain stays away. The Plantarcure is a very good device would recommend to anyone with this problem.
Thank you.
Dave Barrett.

Astounded – Alex Waterson

Having been to Doctor, Hospital and carried out recommended exercises for over a month without any relief, I was astounded at the results of my first session with Healease. Incredible – pain gone. The NHS should have them available, they would save money and valuable time from day one.


Alex Waterson

“significantly reduced the pain” – Nicky Cahuac

The Plantarcure has significantly reduced the pain I was experiencing. If I could offer another user some advice, it would be to change the battery each week to ensure that you are getting the maxim impact of the unit as it then delivers the greatest amount of pain relief, and you don’t tend to notice the diminishing effect of the deteriorating battery over a couple of weeks until you change it. The cost of a new battery each week is a very small price to pay for the pain relief.
Thank you


“can walk without shoes for quite some time” – Annette Sugars

Yes, I have been very pleased with my Plantarcure and would highly recommend it to anyone with faciitis. I was in excruciating pain in my left heel after walking badly for years. I use this little machine twice a day and it has loosened the tightness under my foot arch and definitely helped with the shooting pain around the heel edge. I’m going on holiday and will be taking it with me. I’m so glad I came across your ad. At one time I was unable to walk bare footed but now can walk without shoes for quite some time. Thank you.

Best wishes

Annette Sugars