Fast relief at times – Jane Giddings

I think it’s fair to say that my plantar fasciitis is a lot less troublesome now. How much of that is down to the Plantarcure and how much to natural healing is difficult to say but there has certainly been fast relief at times when it has been particularly painful. I will continue to use the device as and when I need it, though – my hobby is clog dancing and whilst clogs are made to measure they are still fairly unforgiving on the feet, especially when those feet are stricken with PF. I find it helpful to sit for a few minutes with the device after practice.

Instructions for use could be a little more detailed. I’ve previously had a cortisone injection into my foot as treatment for PF and so I have a good, if basic, idea of where to place the vibrator point on the device. However, I’m aware that not all users will have this knowledge and it’s sometimes difficult to pinpoint the seat of the pain when the whole area hurts. I’m also one of those people who like to have a clear anatomical knowledge of what is happening inside my foot, so a diagram would be helpful. Also, a point for other users – I found it easier to keep the device in place by wrapping the end of the strap around the back of my ankle before fastening.

Hoping this feedback is useful to you.


Jane Giddings