What an amazing little gadget! – Delia Deans

Whilst researching “plantar fasciitis” I came across Plantarcure and was very interested in the reviews I read. Surely, if it worked for so many others, it would do likewise for me?

After trying various remedies, the pain in my heel was still driving me crackers, affecting my day-to-day life, and causing me to walk in a fashion that was provoking knee problems.

Encouraged by the recommendations, and the guarantee from the supplier, I decided to take a chance on Plantarcure. ……..and I’m SO glad I did. What an amazing little gadget!

I use Plantarcure exactly as instructed (10 minutes three times a day) and have now done so for two weeks. The painful heel condition is now very much under control and no longer dominating my life in an unfavourable way. Although not yet cured, there are improvements and I have every confidence in the ability of Plantarcure to rid me of this very painful condition.

I recommend Plantarcure wholeheartedly.
( I would also suggest purchasing the battery charger and using freshly charged batteries for maximum benefit.)
Thank you Plantarcure.
Delia Deans
Sent from my iPad