“you can achieve good beneficial results” – Julie Armstrong


Yes I purchased the device and have been using almost daily for a few weeks. I can feel an improvement in the discomfort I was having in my instep and definately feel the Heelese is working.

I would really need someone to remind me which programme to put it on because after the first week I wasn’t as particular with timing or frequency – that’s just me becoming complacent about it and because there was an improvement in my condition I was less concerned and therefore less particular about the device.

My opinion is that the device works. It is good value for money and if you follow the instructions you can achieve good, beneficial results.

I am going on holiday next weekend for 5 days walking and hiking and will be taking my Heelese with me and will use it each day according to the recommended instructions.



“the difference was incredible” – Una Ryan


I have had Plantar Fasciitis for about a year now, the pain is excruciating, I was having trouble walking from one room to another, let alone going shopping or general daily activities. I started going to a chiropractor and she is certainly helping it but it’s a slow process. I saw an ad for Plantarcure on Facebook and decided to try it. Within two 30 minute uses over two days the difference was incredible. The pain all but disappeared that quickly! I do still use it, maybe 4 times a week now and it has made a huge difference to me. I can go for walks again, my work involves 4 to 6 hours of standing a day and now when I go home the pain is there but minimal, and I put on the Plantarcure and it helps so much. I do think this little device has helped fix my Plantar Fasciitis when nothing else worked. Thanks so much 🙂


The relief was almost instantaneous – Brian Dobinson


no kidding your product so far has been a godsend to me, both my heels were sheer agony worse pain I’ve ever had to endure. I’ve used plantarcure for about a month. The relief was almost instantaneous. Batteries don’t last long but, worth it ! I can still feel it a little but no where near as bad.just one question. Does problem usually come back ? And do I keep using product ? Thanks loads

Brian Dobinson

I would certainly recommend Plantarcure to anyone suffering with PF – David Wilson

I have been using my Healease now for several weeks and I am very impressed. Within a few days of starting to use it I could feel a great relief and was able to walk without the incessant pain. I had been suffering from PF for many months and some days I was unable to walk any distance. I was a bit sceptical of Plantarcure but decided to give it a try. That was the best decision I had made in a long time. I would certainly recommend Plantarcure to anyone suffering with PF.

“It has done wonders for my foot” – Kevin Tyrrell

Hi team,

I started using my plantarcure as soon as it arrived. I’ve been suffering from plantar fasciitis for a while now and have had a steroid injection to stop the pain. The injection only lasted a few months so I went back to the podiatrist who recommended shockwave treatment. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the machine. It has done wonders for my foot and I would recommend it to anyone suffering from this painful disease.

