So all in all well worth the money I would recommend one to anyone – Kay Shore


Yes certainly I have some feedback.

I went for some physio on the advice of my doctor who told me that would help my Plantar Fasciitis.

Tried it, but didnt feel I was getting any benefit from it at all, so for less that the cost of one physio session I purchased the Plantarcure machine after reading lots of positive reviews about it.

I’ve now been using it for about 4 weeks and cant say I noticed much difference straight away as some people have mentioned, but definitely after about a week of using twice a day morning and evening for about 10 mins each foot, I have definitely noticed a difference.

I’m on my feet for long hours with my job, so know its going to take time, but I’ve had a couple of days now with hardly any pain in my right heel and reduced paid in my left, which was a lot worse anyway.

So all in all well worth the money I would recommend one to anyone, especially if you have tried physio and that hasnt helped, plus its cheaper!

Kay Shore

“it’s a brilliant product” – Sue Spencer

The heel ease device is brilliant, I have been in severe pain with Planta fasciitis for approx 5 months walking was so painful, I’m a nurse so on my feet for long hours, and I’d tried everything going, to no avail.

I saw your advert for this little device and thought I’d give it a try, fully expecting it not to have any effect. How wrong I was, within 3 days of using the plantarcure I was painfree, I couldn’t believe it, I’ve had the odd twinge of pain but put the device on for 10 mins and it’s gone again, I’ve been raving about your little device since, it’s a brilliant product.

Thank you so much


Sue Spencer

I am over the moon with the results – Rosalie Holland

Wow this little device has given me my life back. 😊

Having suffered with severe plantar fasciitis for over 10 years & had countless steroid injections into both feet using ultrasound, I had given up hope of EVER being to walk properly and without pain.

I have tried everything on the market without success, physio & excercise. Then I came across heel ease on my phone. Should I waste more money I asked myself? but what the heck, I was in pain even when in bed & not walking.

I was very sceptical when my little parcel arrived, but within a week I noticed a difference. Several weeks on ,I am over the moon with the results. Still have some pain but over 50% improvement – maybe more. Friends & family comment on how I no longer ‘limp’

So all I need now is to order a second unit in case my new best friend ever wears out!!!

Thank You 🙏
Rosalie Holland

Plantarcure has meant this year has started with comfort and freedom! – Jo E.

Hi, just to let you know my experience with the plantarcure. I’ve had plantar fasciitis for 16 months, some days I was unable to walk more than a few metres at a time. I’ve been in pretty much constant pain, at its worst the pain in my heel was so bad that it woke me up at night when even something as light as a duvet touched it. I’ve seen 4 podiatrists and a muscular skeletal doctor, I’ve had cortisone injections, bespoke orthotics, special foot wear, heel cups, podiatry foam, and religiously do my exercises, but basically nothing has worked.

I bought the plantarcure out of desperation, I didn’t expect for a minute that it would work as it seemed a bit gimmicky to me and my faith in finding a solution was at rock bottom anyway. To my amazement it has worked! Very quickly the pain began to lessen (after a couple of days use) and the healing process has speeded up to such a rate that in just a month my foot is at least 60% better. I still get discomfort, but I don’t really get pain. And I can walk my dog!! I’m using it 3 times a day for 10 minutes or so and crucially I use it before I get out of bed, this seems especially effective.

I really can’t recommend it highly enough. Last year was dominated by pain and mobility but the plantarcure has meant this year has started with comfort and freedom!

Thank you.

Joanna E.
Sent from my iPad

I do think this little device has helped fix my Plantar Fasciitis when nothing else worked – Una Ryan


I have had Plantar Fasciitis for about a year now, the pain is excruciating, I was having trouble walking from one room to another, let alone going shopping or general daily activities. I started going to a chiropractor and she is certainly helping it but it’s a slow process. I saw an ad for Plantarcure on Facebook and decided to try it. Within two 30 minute uses over two days the difference was incredible. The pain all but disappeared that quickly! I do still use it, maybe 4 times a week now and it has made a huge difference to me. I can go for walks again, my work involves 4 to 6 hours of standing a day and now when I go home the pain is there but minimal, and I put on the Plantarcure and it helps so much. I do think this little device has helped fix my Plantar Fasciitis when nothing else worked. Thanks so much 🙂
